Greyhounds and Corns

Greyhounds frequently get corns and no-one really understands why.

There are two theories:

  1. The first is that they are related to racing and the weight that they put on some of their pads more than others, but there have been cases of non-racing dogs developing corns on each pad.
  2. The other theory is that the corns maybe a result of a virus.

Whatever the reason is for your dog developing corns, the problem and the cures are the same.

Treatment for Greyhound Corns:

There are various methods to remove corns and surgery should be a last resort. Hulling corns has historically often been recommended by vets, but corns can and do grow back.

Some non-evasive methods of removing corns are as follows:  

  • Burts Bees Balm is also good to use on the pads – gently rub it into the affected area.
  • Bizarrely gaffa tape also works – but just the silver one. You need to place a piece on the corn and leave for around 6 days. When removed gently file down the corn.
  • Finally try an epsom salts soak for 10 minutes twice a day.

All of the above ultimately soften the pad which helps the corns.

Laser Treatment:

A new treatment is now being used with good results. The vet uses a laser to “kill off” the corn, and there is no surgery or pain involved. This is a fairly new treatment so not all vets may be able to offer it, but it is worth asking your vet and giving it a go. A six session course may cost around £150.

If you dog cannot walk then try Therapaws Boots.

There are also Greyhound corn specific Facebook pages. You will find lots of people on the pages, who have lots of different advice. Please remember to also consult your vet, but surgery should be a last resort.

There seems to be no logical reason for corns and why some treatments work for some dogs and not others. You will need to be patient and keep with whichever treatment you have chosen.